
Financial organisations that hold consumer data, including banks, investment companies, real estate firms, retail banking and insurance, are a prime target of cyber threats.

Unless an attack is of a personal nature, in which the reputation of an individual or business is targeted, monetary assets are the endgame. And if there is a vulnerability in either processes, technology or personnel, it will be targeted.

‘Financial companies have tackled a cyber-attack or will be the target of one.’

Sahil Saini CTO - CYBERSEC
Effective security always comes down to three key elements. Processes, people and technology. 

Processes must run seamlessly alongside the organisation. Security experts must have the capability to detect, react and understand the context of a risk. And the technology must be superior, to keep up with cyber threats. All elements are equally as important, and you must have all three to ensure security.

Free Consultation

To understand your vulnerabilities and to navigate the growing financial threats and compliance processes, have a free consultation with a security expert.